Mysterious, fascinating, remote, and Unique; Zanzibar islands are a paradise of their own, destinations where visitors interpret life and nature differently. It is part of the world’s hidden treasures, with millions of tourists, and researchers opting to go for fun, relaxation and adventure. In an event where nature and travel sink deep into the heart of men, a luxury safari to Zanzibar is the way to go; the shores are the frontline of memories and what transpires here matters to all. Situated south of the equator along the Indian ocean coastline; is the famous Zanzibar Island, an archipelago, a collection of small islands and coral-tattles, dominated by two main islands; the Unguju Island and Pemba Island. It is a home of millions of Kiswahili speakers, and Islam as the main religion. History has known Zanzibar Island for spice plantation, slave trade, many cultures, customs, and for millions of years the booming trade which attracted thousands of foreigners; some as traders and others as visitors.

For decades, Zanzibar people matched to someone else’s drum beats; the British and Arabs who colonized the area for centuries, with each leaving a landmark that decorates the stone town city to the present age. Around 1956, Zanzibar Island witnessed ethnic clashes which resulted in death, extreme poverty, and ill-health for years. But thanks to tourism which has brought life to the place. The fusion of Zanzibar rhythms and the Arab stories is a trip highlight to every visitor. Tourists experience how distinctive the history of the island is, the beauty, biodiversity and cuisine. But not forgetting the unique attractions, and relaxing by the white sand beaches. One can have a luxury family holiday, beach safari, birding safari, camping safari, honeymoon safari and cultural tour for as many days as possible, and engaging in several activities such as stone town tour, hiking, primate trekking, swimming, spice tasting, photography and diving among others.